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Social Groups in Chiang Mai

Getting Social in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai is a great place! You already know that and that’s why you are here. But what makes it even more special is the social scene. Well you might be here short term or long term, big budget or small, introvert or extrovert, whatever you are and whatever you want, if you can find a group or network to get social in Chiang Mai, life will be so much better. If you have groups already, that’s great, you might like to expand your horizons a little more, there are amazing people everywhere. So get out there and meet some people, and if you don’t like the group, feel free to find another on the list.

I am going to list as many as I can find from Facebook and around the place, that I know of. Facebook is a great connector, but there are the Meetup networks also. This will include social groups and other good information.

Social Events

Getting along to some events is the best way to meet people in Chiang Mai. There are always so many events every day and night, so soon enough you will have heaps of friends.

Chiang Mai Events Group – http://www.facebook.com/groups/ChiangMaiEvents/

To get access to the best email listing of events just go to http://tiny.cc/stevesemail

Nomad Groups – See here for a big list!

Weekly Nomad Coffee Meetup – https://www.facebook.com/groups/nomadcoffee/

Digital Nomads in Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/cmnomads – it’s a great place for nomading!

Break Time for Nomads(less worky)- https://www.facebook.com/groups/436338589849184/

Chiang Mai Online Society – https://www.facebook.com/groups/CNXOS/

Chiang Mai Audio and Video Society – https://www.facebook.com/groups/cnxvdo/

Official Expats Group

Chiang Mai Expats Club – https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaiexpatsclub/


There is one go to guide for families in Chiang Mai – The Chiang Mai Family Guide and their Facebook Group.

Food Groups

Chiang Mai Foodies – http://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaifoodies

Chiang Mai Eats – http://www.facebook.com/groups/624398594280154

Eat in Chiang Mai – http://www.facebook.com/groups/1827880487437372

Vegetarian Chiang Mai – http://www.facebook.com/groups/454104704638377

Coffee Groups & Resources 

Coffee Lover – https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaicoffeelover/

General Social Groups in Chiang Mai

Toastmasters – https://www.facebook.com/ChiangMaiToastmasters/

Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/52526883526/

All About Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/allaboutchiangmai/

We Live We Love – https://www.facebook.com/groups/141086159319525/

Chiang Mai DIY Maintenance and Repairs – https://web.facebook.com/groups/ChiangMaiDIY 

Chiang Mai Community Classifieds – https://www.facebook.com/groups/ccccclassifieds/

TEDx Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/tedxinchiangmai/ 

Friends 4 Thailand – https://www.facebook.com/groups/Friends4Thailand/

Fix IT Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/568463556607496/

International Actors in Asia – https://www.facebook.com/groups/176095382473946/

Chiang Mai Actors – https://www.facebook.com/groups/224380844352494/

Chiang Mai Islamic Community – https://www.facebook.com/groups/113096235429674/

Chiang Mai self sufficiency and survival – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1570924549854791/

Chiang Mai Expat Teachers Group – https://www.facebook.com/groups/CMExpatTeachers/

Chiang Mai Social – https://www.facebook.com/groups/558760484161231/

Couchsurfing – https://www.facebook.com/groups/FriendsCMCS/ – Meetings Wednesday Nights Bus Bar

Chiang Mai Meditation – https://www.facebook.com/groups/1582980225256751/

Laughter Club – https://www.facebook.com/groups/GanapatiLaughs/

Chiang Mai Expat – https://www.facebook.com/ChiangMaiExpat/

Social Sports Groups in Chiang Mai

Chiang Mai Health and Fitness – https://www.facebook.com/groups/722862927732889/

Disc Golf Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/722862927732889/

Chiang Mai Martial Arts – https://www.facebook.com/groups/498439210220609/

Crossfit – https://www.facebook.com/crossfitchiangmai/

Beach Volley: https://www.facebook.com/groups/523747357635428

AcroYoga: https://www.facebook.com/groups/AcroYogaChiangMai/

Ultimate: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cm.ultimate/

Social Football (Soccer) – https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaikickabout/

Softball – https://www.facebook.com/groups/ChiangMaiSoftball/

Social Dance Groups in Chiang Mai –

Salsa Club Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/salsaclubchiangmai/

Zouk Chiang Mai – https://www.facebook.com/groups/zoukchiangmai/

Swing Dance – https://www.facebook.com/chiangmaiswingdance

Second Hand –

Selling/buying things – https://www.facebook.com/groups/2ndhandchiangmai  https://www.facebook.com/groups/149726448524351  https://www.facebook.com/groups/secondhandchiangmai  https://www.facebook.com/groups/168288853294122

For selling/buying motorcycles – https://www.facebook.com/groups/512883258737603

For selling/buying bicycles – https://www.facebook.com/groups/chiangmaiusedbikesforsale

For apartment/house hunting (sell/buy/rent) – https://www.facebook.com/notes/i-chiang-mai/apartment-recommendations/329224887088147


For renting motorbikes – https://www.facebook.com/mangobikesrent – Mark will look after you!


Jobs Groups –


It is an option for long term stay – https://www.facebook.com/groups/134661976708783




Language Groups –

Farang can understand Thai Culture – https://www.facebook.com/groups/thai.and.western.culture/

https://www.facebook.com/groups/faranglearnthai – This group can be fairly high level – Here’s some of the “Basics of Thai“.

Otherwise – you can “Learn Thai from a White Guy

Dynamic Language Centre Fan Club – https://www.facebook.com/groups/DynamicFanClub/

Language Exchange – https://www.facebook.com/groups/456476087805075/

Here is a List of Weekly Social in Chiang Mai Activities that don’t change

Any night of the week you can find great restaurants and buffets, so take a look here for some options!

Every day

Bridge Club of Chiang Mai We hold bridge games on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Also on Sundays (November to February) All days start at 1.30 pm, with registration to be before 1.15 pm. We play at the “Oak Tree” which is on Canal Road, just north of the Phucome traffic lights, in the large air-conditioned room which is behind the main building. For further information please consult our web-site: http://www.bridgewebs.com/chiangmai/

Pickleball every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday start time 8am. Hiya area. Go to facebook  Chiang Mai Pickleball group for directions or call John 0829829396

Horseshoes Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  9-11. Hiya. From Old Chiang Mai Culture center, across the street will be 7-11 . head towards town one block. You will see a fenced in Basketball court we are directly behind it. Further info call  John 0958650624


Food, weight, eating issues?

Our group, OA (Over-eaters Anonymous), offers an effective means of combating compulsive eating. OA is a non-religious support group focusing on spiritual growth of the Twelve Step. There are no dues or fees. We are self-supporting through nominal member donations. Anyone seeking to end compulsive eating is welcome. We meet each Monday at 4pm at the Nakorn Ping Condominium on Huay Kaew Road (opposite Shell Gas Station), in the 12-Steps room on the ground floor. Contact: 087-579-0755

Outdoor ball hockey Monday and Thursday evenings at Futsal Heaven south of Chiang Mai University. From 7.30 – 9.30pm.For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/474711125890763/

Monday – Chiang Mai Hash House Harriers, male-only (mixed group on Thursday and Saturday) – social cross country running group (all abilities), The bus for this group leaves at 3:30 from near McDonalds.  You can identify the hashers who are standing around in front of McDonalds before this carrying bags and wearing HHH shirts.  Come along and make yourself known – we have beer! 🙂  Details on:  www.chiangmaihhh.com


MUSIC TUESDAYS @ My Secret Cafe In Town 7pm – 10pm. Each week we showcase 2 artists/groups. We are on a mission to create a civilised music night in a relaxed and comfortable environment with a great and affordable bar menu. We find and showcase the most talented and creative musicians in Chiang Mai and hope to grow a scene that encourages and rewards individuality. We have happy hour everyday from 5pm – 7pm!! See you there! mysecretcafeCM@gmail.com

Christ-Centered Meditation—Tuesday mornings, 9:30–11:00, at Seven Fountains Jesuit Retreat Center on Huay Kaew Road in the Pierre Favre Chapel. Informal meditation on a short passage from the life or teachings of Jesus. We use the lectio divina method of reading and silent reflection, sometimes with questions for guidance, and a time of optional sharing. Our purpose is simply to spend time quietly in the presence of Jesus. No experience is necessary, and everyone is welcome.ccmeditation@gmail.com

Chiang Mai Geeks – The Chiang Mai Computer Club:   Meets every Tuesday at River Market 1 pm to 2:30 pm. It is open to computer users of all skill levels. Contact us at ChiangMaiComputerClub@gmail.com

On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month  Chiang Mai International Rotary Club meets at  Hong Kong Lucky Restaurant 5/8 Soi 7,Ratchadamnoen Road (Soi opposite downtown central police station inside the moat of the old city:  see https://www.facebook.com/Hong-Kong-Lucky-Restaurant-136351880030697/timeline/). The meeting starts at 7:00 pm. Members, visiting Rotarians and invited guests are welcome to gather at 6:00 pm for social time and to enjoy a set menu meal of Hong Kong favorites. The cost is 300 Baht per person by prior reservation.  Make reservations with tablecaptain@cmirotary.org. PLEASE NOTE: Prior dinner reservations require payment if you do not cancel before noon on day of the meeting. Coffee and tea are served during the meeting and visiting Rotarians and invited guests are asked to contribute 100 Baht to cover this expense. The restaurant reserves parking spaces at the restaurant for people attending the Rotary meeting. Please come in and notify the staff you need to park and they will remove parking barriers.  For more information about Rotary and the Chiang Mai International Rotary Club club visit www.cmirotary.org or email secretary@cmirotary.org.

Chiang Mai Lawn Bowls Club at Big Tree Bistro, Tong Kai village near Night Safari. There will be a weekly competition on Tuesday morning at 8am Bowlers at all levels are welcome. Tong Kai Bowling League will be on Sundays at 5pm for local people from Tong Kai. For further information www.chiangmailawnbowls.com

Salsa Night at Warm Up Nimmanhaemindha Road – from 8pm – 9pm Dance lesson – followed by free dancing – PRIVATE ROOM – 150thb entry (includes 1 free drink)

Every Tuesday Weekly Mindfulness–Awareness Meditation Gathering by the Asian Center for Applied Mindfulness (ACAM) at Traidhos in Mae Rim. Open House Tuesday afternoons from 15:15 – 16:15 introduction to mindfulness–awareness meditation and opportunity to connect with other practitioners. Group meditation practice, occasional talk by a teacher from ACAM and brief discussion. Meditation instruction provided. Meditate in a supportive setting and learn about how to apply mindfulness to everyday life. Bring your friends! About ACAM: http://asiancenterforappliedmindfulness.com/  About Traidhos: http://www.threegeneration.org/ Contact us by email at:



Chiang Mai Community House every Wednesday  in Pong Noi Creative Writing Write-in – dinner / social time 5.30pm / write-in begins at 6.30pm for further info check out their facebook page chiang mai community house or callchiangmaicommunityhouse@gmail.com

Free: Language Exchange CM is where people go to learn/practice other languages and help others learn/practice their own language(s). We meet at Cube7 starting at 7pm every Wednesdayand Saturday. กิจกรรมแลกเปลี่ยนภาษาเชียงใหม่ แลกเปลี่ยน ถาม-ตอบ หลากหลายคำถามทางภาษา กิจกรรมจะมีทุกวันพุธและวันเสาร์ตั้งแต่เวลา 1 ทุ่มจนถึง 5 ทุ่ม ที่ Cube7 清迈交换语言   我们是学新的语言也可以帮你学我的语言。比如我是泰国人现在学中文我可以教你泰文。

我们每周三和周六在 Cube7 晚上七点见。

WEDNESDAY 19:00 – ~22:00 SATURDAY 19:00 – ~22:00


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/456476087805075/

Holistic Therapy Unlock your healing potential through “Meditation”.Explore your consciousness to enjoy deeper love, health, happiness & contentment in your life/relationships. If you would like to open your mind, your soul, join the “free workshop” every 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6pm – 7.30pm. Petra Schwier FB: Psychic Clairvoyant Tel: 099 38 28 804 p.schwier@gmx.de


Yummy Pizza on the Canal Road – Live Music Night between 7pm – 10pm


Thursday Night Trivia at the U.N. Irish Pub 8:30pm start Do you think you know everything? Come and see! It’s a Pub quiz and the best in Chiang Mai. 6 rounds and topics are random, but include sport, movies, history, geography, books and authors, music (audio and video), science and other random crazy rounds, with a general knowledge round to finish. Well run and good for a laugh!


Chiang Mai Swing Dance Thursday at Blur Bar 8pm to 9pm Intro Class 9pm onwards Social Dancing No partner needed, come one come all! FREE Blur Bar Nimman Soi 7 above Blackitch

For more information – https://www.facebook.com/chiangmaiswingdance/

Every 1st Thursday of a month is the Chiang Mai Chess meetup @ The Enjoy Café, Sansai Noi.

There is a good selection of food and drinks, more than 100 board and card games and a free pool table.

Customers wanting to play any of the games are kindly requested to purchase a minimum of 100 Baht on food and/or drinks.


Every Thursday Kizatin Mood Party at Our Place Chiang Mai Jed Yod Area near Maya. Totally Beginner Class >> 7:30 PM-8 PM Class >> 8 PM – 9 PM Party >> 9 PM til 12 AM Entrance fee 100 B Excluding drink 150 B Including drink MUSIC – MIXED (Kizomba, Salsa, Bachata, etc. It will be more kizomba songs right after the class, then mixed

Outdoor ball hockey Monday and Thursday evenings at Futsal Heaven south of Chiang Mai University. From 7.30 – 9.30pm.For more information visit https://www.facebook.com/groups/474711125890763/

Chiang Mai Lawn Bowls Club at Big Tree Bistro, Tong Kai village near Night Safari. There will be a weekly competition Thursday evening at 5pm. Bowlers at all levels are welcome. Tong Kai Bowling League will be on Sundays at 5pm for local people from Tong Kai. For further information www.chiangmailawnbowls.com

Thursday – Chiang Mai Happy Hash, social cross country running group (all abilities), The bus for this mixed group leaves at 3:30 from near McDonalds.  You can identify the hashers who are standing around in front of McDonalds before this carrying bags and wearing HHH shirts.  Come along and make yourself known – on Thursdays we bring chairs! 🙂  Details on:  www.chiangmaihhh.com

The Green Papaya Sangha is a Buddhist Meditation that practices meditation in the style of Vietnamese Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh.  We meet every Thursday from 7:30 to 9:00 pm at the Yoga Tree.  Beginners are warmly welcomed.  For more information please visit www.greenpapayasangha.org.    May all who read this be happy and well!


Nomad Coffee Club Every Friday 4pm there is a Nomad Coffee Club meet up at Food4Thought. Most weeks, an expert will share their knowledge with 40-80 people attending. Subjects range from specific niches through to logistics of being a nomad to living an awesome life. Every First Friday we have a skill sharing time and great opportunity to meet and connect with new nomads or entrepreneurs in Chiang Mai. There is a Facebook group where you can find more information – https://www.facebook.com/groups/nomadcoffee/


Chiang Mai Swing Dance Saturday at Blur Bar 8pm to 9pm Intro Class 9pm onwards Social Dancing No partner needed, come one come all! FREE Blur Bar Nimman Soi 7 above Blackitch

For more information – https://www.facebook.com/chiangmaiswingdance/

Free: Language Exchange CM is where people go to learn/practice other languages and help others learn/practice their own language(s). We meet at Cube7 starting at 7pm every Wednesdayand Saturday. กิจกรรมแลกเปลี่ยนภาษาเชียงใหม่ แลกเปลี่ยน ถาม-ตอบ หลากหลายคำถามทางภาษา กิจกรรมจะมีทุกวันพุธและวันเสาร์ตั้งแต่เวลา 1 ทุ่มจนถึง 5 ทุ่ม ที่ Cube7 清迈交换语言   我们是学新的语言也可以帮你学我的语言。比如我是泰国人现在学中文我可以教你泰文。

我们每周三和周六在 Cube7 晚上七点见。

WEDNESDAY 19:00 – ~22:00 SATURDAY 19:00 – ~22:00


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/456476087805075/

Every Wednesday and Saturday evening from 6:30pm – 11:30pm Board games and Card games night @ the Enjoy Café, Sansai Noi.

ACA (Adult Children of Alcoholics) We meet at the 7 Fountains Retreat Center every Sat morning @ 11:30 – 12:30. Contact Jan @ 0850188706 or mjelliott92001@yahoo.com

Saturday – Chiang Mai Saturday Hash, social cross country running group (all abilities), The bus for this mixed group leaves at 3:30 from near McDonalds.  You can identify the hashers who are standing around in front of McDonalds before this carrying bags and wearing HHH shirts.  Come along and make yourself known 🙂  Details on:  www.chiangmaihhh.com

Pure Organic Farmers Market Chiang Mai at Jing Jai (JJ Markets). The market will be open every weekend; Saturday ‘Pure Organic’ 5.30 until 8.30am / Saturday Pesticide free 9am until 3pm and Sunday 6am until 1pm under the shade of the trees


Chiang Mai Toastmaster’s Club gives you excellence in public speaking through the international 12 steps program. The meetings/practices are in English (with Thai version meeting after the English version around 3pm). We meet every 2nd, 3rd and 4th Sunday from 12:45 to 3:00 pm at the Orchid Hotel 2nd Floor. Beginners are warmly welcomed. Visit us as a guest to see if it is for you.

Chiang Mai Toastmaster’s Club is the oldest and biggest club in the North. For more information follow our Facebook Page. Email: cmtoastmasters@gmail.com Telephone: 0943080587

Chiang Mai Community House in Pong Noi – every Sunday Kundalini Yoga & Meditation 10am /Tarot Reader’s Circle 12noon / Laughter Yoga & Kirtan 2:30pm = each 200thb or Community House Pass for further info check out their facebook page chiang mai community house or call chiangmaicommunityhouse@gmail.com

Sacred Heart Cathedral Mass  Usual services on Sundays; Thai – 6.30, 8.30, 18.00, Eng 11.00. April 16 – Easter sunday. Mass the same time. Sacred Heart Cathedral located on Charoen Prathet Road


Homemade Market Every Saturday and Sunday 7am – 11.30am at Wawee Coffee Headquaters   T. Fahham on the Inner Ring road near Tesco Meechok.. your Saturday morning will never be the same. Homemade Market is a collection of stands from various restaurants, cafés, chefs and other ingredients suppliers from around Chiangmai serving up the best breakfast. This is the best place for a Saturday morning just to grab a cup of coffee or a fresh pressed juice and stroll around to find your perfect breakfast whether sweet or savory, traditional or exotic  https://www.facebook.com/homemademarketcnx/

Every Sunday – Morning Market at Baan Kang Wat. 8 – 11.  Just next Wat Umong, you’ll find the beautiful art space of Baan Kang Wat hosting a new weekly market.  There are organic & local producers selling delicious bread, cheese, coffee, jam, chutney, nut milks, kombucha and lots of more.  https://www.facebook.com/marketbannkangwat/

Sunday – Chiang Mai Bunny Hash, – LAST SUNDAY OF THE MONTH – girls only – social cross country running group (all ability levels) – for details please see the website www.chiangmaihhh.com

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