Currency in and out of Thailand

Currency in and out of Thailand

Bringing currency in and out of Thailand Any person who brings or takes an aggregate amount of foreign currency exceeding USD$20,000 or its equivalent out of or into Thailand shall declare such amount of foreign currency to a Customs Officer.

Failure to declare upon bringing currency that exceeds the amount restricted by law or its equivalent out of or into Thailand or making any false declaration to a Customs Officer is a criminal offence.

For Thai currency (Baht), any person can bring total amount not exceed THB500,000 to any Thailand’s bounded countries and not exceed THB50,000 to any destination countries. More than that mentioned amount, you have to declare to a Customs Officer or exchange to others currency before depart from Thailand.

Further information, you can contact The Customs Department at Tel: +66-2-249-0431 or hot line no. 1164. Website:

When you do bring currency into Thailand, I always suggest exchanging your money at Superrich.


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