Chiang Mai Arrival
Chiang Mai Arrival and Settle In Pack
If you are considering a move to Chiang Mai, connect with us and use our Chiang Mai arrival package and we will make it all happen for you. We can individualize you package and assist with all the pre departure and arrival activities you need to hit the ground running. My Chiang Mai experience caters to all levels of expat and within my networks I can easily arrange purposeful meetings with like minded individuals.
USD$700 (single) or USD$900 (double)
Airport Pickup
Apartment (One bedroom with aircon) (Package price includes one month rent – your choice of three options supplied)
WIFI (for one month, with options of renewal)
Sim Card ready with 5GB of 4G Internet
Automatic Motorbike or Bicycle rental
This package is flexible and we can assist you with many other things in and around Chiang Mai. Please give one weeks notice before arrival.
To see some of the social groups in Thailand see my post here!