Chiang Mai Ambassador Wing 41 Pass Building 2

License Plates

Lost or Stolen License Plates I lost my license plates.  So, this is the procedure to get replacement license plates. First, go and file a report at the local police station. It takes about 10 minutes if you can speak Thai. If you can’t speak Thai take photos. 20 baht.   Motorbike license plates – Cars…

Top Tips

Top Tips For Coming To Chiang Mai I hope you enjoy these top tips for coming to Chiang Mai. Get travel insurance! Walk! Walk a lot! Walk instead of ride if you have the time. You can see so much more when walking around. There are so many cool places you will find as you…


Disclaimer Hello, I am Shayne, Chiang Mai Ambassador, I loved helping people and I created this website as a resource for just that. I have a lot of great Chiang Mai insights and information floating around in my head and I hope that some of it is useful for you too. However, things change often…